27 September 2011

Beautiful Darkness

Some are scared of what I find beautiful
Like the beautiful darkness that comes when we sleep
When the darkness comes I know my dreams are near

In my dreams I will always see you
Waiting for when we can once again embrace
Or just to hold each other close

When the light takes over my beautiful darkness
You disappear from my grasp but never my heart
We'll be together shortly, when the darkness comes again.

Why Me?

Why do I attract the wrong kind of people?  When I ask this question, I am actually referring to when I am sitting on the train either going to work or travelling home.  I normally get on with either my book or my kindle and read for the 2 hour journey that I have to face.  Two or three stops down the line then the crowds start to get on.  First I get the ones that like to use me as a pillow.  I am not a pillow, I am a human being believe it or not.  I wouldm't mind but they sometimes even try to fluff up my shoulder!  Then there are those that do not care about those around them when they let all the bodily functions have a mind of their own.  May be a little apology when that happens would go a long way instead of me suffocating in their stench.  Then last but by no means least, there is the raving loon.  They sit there talking to themselves and answering themselves I might add, only when you answer them, thinking they are talking to you, they look at you like you are the mad one.  Please tell me why they choose to sit next to me?  I only want to get home.

8 July 2011

Helping Others

I got a comment in my guestbook on my writing site about considering having my poems read as an audio book for those with poor sight or no sight at all. I had never thought about putting my work out there like that but considering I did work for a charity a while back that deals with the sight impaired, I should have thought about that a long time ago. It is most definitely something to consider, but I would definitely need to look in to this as not 100% sure how to go about it. 


Hi All

I suppose it is about time that I opened up my little world and let you all in.  I thought I would fill you in on my day to day ramblings, give you some book reviews on those that I am reading and just generally keep you up dated on the life and times of a real Eastender who now actually lives in Essex.  No I am not a typical "Essex Girl" that they seem to be portraying on the T.V.  I am what you could call, "The Only Goth in the Village".  I also keep a writing website which is my poetry, short stories, flash fiction and many more, 
http://www.freewebs.com/enhal_obscurer/ and I will try and update it as much as I can and keep you all in the loop. Please feel free to become a member and leave a message in the guestbook or just leave a general comment on both sides of my minds eye.

I will update you all very shortly.