8 July 2011

Helping Others

I got a comment in my guestbook on my writing site about considering having my poems read as an audio book for those with poor sight or no sight at all. I had never thought about putting my work out there like that but considering I did work for a charity a while back that deals with the sight impaired, I should have thought about that a long time ago. It is most definitely something to consider, but I would definitely need to look in to this as not 100% sure how to go about it. 


Hi All

I suppose it is about time that I opened up my little world and let you all in.  I thought I would fill you in on my day to day ramblings, give you some book reviews on those that I am reading and just generally keep you up dated on the life and times of a real Eastender who now actually lives in Essex.  No I am not a typical "Essex Girl" that they seem to be portraying on the T.V.  I am what you could call, "The Only Goth in the Village".  I also keep a writing website which is my poetry, short stories, flash fiction and many more, 
http://www.freewebs.com/enhal_obscurer/ and I will try and update it as much as I can and keep you all in the loop. Please feel free to become a member and leave a message in the guestbook or just leave a general comment on both sides of my minds eye.

I will update you all very shortly.